Shells Ellison

Motivational Speaker



My name is Shells (aka Michelle) Ellison and my tales of adventure take my audiences on a journey. To explore what is possible in their own lives and get them out of their comfort zone. Why? Because that is where the magic happens and it can create a ripple effect across other areas of their lives.

The magic starts with connecting with your ‘why’. Getting curious in what you want to create, experience or feel.

With your ‘why’, sharing with others what you are taking on and taking a tiny step forward, you can make things happen. My aim is to leave audiences feeling inspired and empowered to make shit happen in their own lives.

I would love to share my passion for adventuring, my ability to connect people and my experiences with you. Contact me and let’s make some more magic happen.


My previous talks have included

1.   Four Ordinary Feet. The mindset it takes to run the width of the UK.

2.   Illegal to paddle board the length of the River Thames? A story of how anything is possible.

3.   What can breaking your foot teach you about living through Covid-19?


My journeys and experiences have

  • Contributed to citizen science water quality testing, for the River Thames.

  • Supported raising 11,250 government petition signatures to improve A&E care for those feeling suicidal.

  • Raised over £4,000 for Samaritans, Mind and Tree Aid.

  • Connected over 550 people through physical challenges, podcast club events and epic adventures.

My Journeys


SUP the English Channel


SUP River Thames to the Sea


48 Peaks Later in Europe


SUP the Sognefjord


Ran the width of the UK


SUP the width of the England


Cycled the length of the UK


Spoken at
